Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Número Uno

So, this is me and my simple life. Exposed for all to see. I've always wanted to start a blog, even dreamed about how amazingly famous I could be :) But, I've never gathered up enough courage to put myself out there. I never thought I had anything important enough to say that people would actually read it. I can't even come up with a name for this post!  But...here it is anyway. Whether you read it or not. At least my mom will....I think...

When I reflect on the last 4 years it has been a journey, a whirlwind and a very eye-opening experience. I want to share my story with others. Not because it's grand or earth-shattering, but because it's the story God has given me and asked me to pass it along.

Although I firmly believe the past makes you who you are, I'm not going to start at the beginning. I'm going to start here and now. I'm sure my past will be sprinkled in, but I'm not going to focus on every detail of my 26 years on this planet (you can breathe a sigh of relief if you want).

I am a wife, a mother (that still sounds strange but wonderful) of a beautiful 4-month-old little girl, a piano teacher, a lover of food, a procrastinator, a pretty darn good cook (if I do say so myself), and the list could go on forever. So, over the next (however long this lasts) 100 years, I want to share my daily life with you if you'll listen.  And maybe, if I'm lucky, I'll get to hear your story as well.

~ Heather


  1. Good for you. I'm sure you have some amazing things to share that will bring encouragement to us all. ~ William

  2. Keep writing! One of the best ways (I think) to gift others with glimpses of what God can do through each other. Peace heather

  3. You bet I'll be reading! You are also a true, dear friend with a beautiful heart and blossoming soul!

  4. Hey, your mom isn't the only part of your immediate family who'll read your blog! :)

  5. I'm reading too! :D Please keep writing!

  6. Yaaaayyyy! Now I get to hear YOUR voice in print too! :) I'm so proud of you! Love you! ~ Mom

  7. Welcome to the blog world! I am so glad you are here.
